Friday, October 19, 2012

the escape

Running has always been a way to escape the world and let everything go.  Me against my weakness, against myself. The problem come for most people though is injury, when you are addicted to the high after a long hard run, or the cold wind on your face even before the sunrise.  For so many people they crave it, just as much as their morning cup of coffee. And then in a minute it's gone.  It vanishes into thin air, one day you have completed 5, 10, 15, 20 miles and then the next your in a cast, a boot, crutches, or severe pain.  How can something you would look forward to all day be gone?  So know you probably think I'm a lunatic that can't go a day without a run, you're part right I can be pretty crazy but I have learned to go without a run for a day, month, and year.

I had been injured for so many months that I was so excited when I was cleared to run, that lasted for three weeks until I had severe nerve damage and ten months later it sill isn't healed. Someday it will get better.  I have learned every moment you are given is a gift from God, even if you injured, sick, or unhappy you need to make the best of it.  You have to learn how to make lemonade when life gives you lemons. I love, love, love lemonade. LIKE I REALLY LOVE lemonade, but why would I waste all that time making it when I could just buy it? But if you make your own lemonade you get to take the first sip to slowly taste it, and then you don't jug the rest, you slowing finish drinking it as you savor it all.  The same goes for life if you take every advantage to the fullest and learn to appreciate every moment, injured, sick, or upset you won't have any regrets.

For me some of the hardest part of being injured isn't actually being injured its missing the rush from running, the things that you do everyday gone.  But the good new with a injury is the hope of getting back to whatever you love to do-and for me that's running.